Thursday, July 22, 2010

Library Loot (July 22)

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Eva at A Striped Armchair and Marg at The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post—feel free to steal the button—and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries! Want to share your loot? Marg has the Mr. Linky this week!

How crazy is it for me to take seven books out of the library when I’ve got hundreds of books at home that I haven’t yet read? It feels a bit crazy, but it’s cheaper than buying books, which I’ve been itching to do recently (call it book therapy). So these are the books I couldn’t resist taking home with me this week...

Two graphic novels: A Few Perfect Hours and Other Stories from Southeast Asia & Central Europe by Josh Neufeld and Pilules Bleues (translated as Blue Pills: A Positive Love Story) by Frederik Peeters.

It’s highly unlikely that I’ll read all these books before I have to return them to the library, but such is life!

Do you take books out of the library despite teetering TBR piles? (Please tell me I’m not the only one!)


  1. I need to look for Stolen Innocence - I think I missed that one when I went through my polygamist reading phase.

  2. Great collection of books! I've read Stolen Innocence and it was really good / interesting. Haven't read any of the others though and might have to add some to my wishlist!

  3. Great finds! Enjoy! You're not the only one. I have TONS and TONS of unread books in my TBR pile. But I don't feel so bad getting books out of the library b/c I'm not BUYING more....?! Yea, whatever helps me sleep at night! ;)

  4. Because I have so many unread books at home I haven't been to the library in months. I used to but then my TBR pile reached 300...

  5. lol! borrowing books for me is usually as expensive as buying them for all the late fines i rack up! very bad, i know, but i'm supporting the library in my own little way.

    i'm actually off to a local library book sale today and AM frothing! i can't wait to see what's for sale. (not that i don't have the leaning tower of TBRs on my nightstand or anything)

  6. You're not alone. Often I can't resist checking out more books than I can read and then the books sit on my desk and taunt me.

  7. They all look great...believe it or not, I haven't been to my library in almost 2 weeks. I'm trying to get through my stack of ARCs this summer!

  8. I really loved Changing My Mind! :D I'm awful at reading the TBR books I actually own...I strongly prefer library books. So irrational!

  9. You got some good ones! I love checking out books from my library even though I have hundreds of unread books too!

  10. You are definitely not alone! I constantly borrow more from the library even though I have more than enough at home!

    Enjoy your loot!

  11. These ALL look great and most are new to me too,,,enjoy

  12. I've been wanting to read more graphic novels. If you get to either of yours before they are due let us know what you think!
