Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Similar Covers: Two Faces

I have six similar covers for you this week (for five different books), all of which feature two cropped faces, close together. The books are:

I included both covers of House Rules in part for the sake of symmetry, but also because I feel like the mood of each cover is very different, despite the fact that both use the same image. (I much prefer the black-and-white version.)

Interestingly enough, after I’d prepared this post last week, I noticed that Jacket Whys had featured six other covers similar to these in a post called “Skin.”

*I’m hoping to meet Emma Donoghue at BEA later today when she will be signing copies of her latest book, Room.


  1. Hey Avis! It was great to meet you today at the BBC. I love what you do with the similar covers... You have a feature! I love that!!

    Im adding you to my blogroll. I want to make sure I stay updated on your blogs!

  2. Attending BEA and BBC must have been so awesome :-)

    I kinda like the House Rules cover in color, I prefer that one over the others.

  3. Hey, check my blog! I gave you an award –

  4. An interesting thing to note on your particular set of face covers is that the type style and placement is similar as well!

  5. Hi, Avis! Great to meet you at BEA! I am the author of The Artist Within. Thanks for everything you do to inspire people to READ!!! Cheers! Whitney

  6. How exitiong that you might meet Emma Donoghue. I have Room on my TBR list.


  7. I love the similar covers and I loved meeting you at BEA!

  8. I like this feature! It is interesting when you look at covers with similar themes and sense the different moods in each.
