Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Teaser Tuesday (September 8)

Teaser Tuesday button
Should Be Reading hosts the Teaser Tuesdays weekly event.

My modified rules are as follows:

Grab your current read. Pick two or three “teaser” sentences more or less at random from the book, anywhere on the page. You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your teaser from… that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given! (Please avoid spoilers!) (Read the official Teaser Tuesday rules.)

I don’t usually post more than one teaser per book I read, but I couldn’t resist sharing this one!

My teaser:

Fingerprints of God by Barbara Bradley Hagerty“These spiritual experiences, it seems to me, have the air of high-priced interior decorators on reality television shows: they arrive (unbidden), and immediately begin punching through walls and removing countertops. They haul away most of the furniture, including your favorite red leather chair, and what they deign to leave, they put in the basement” (p. 40).

This is from Fingerprints of God: The Search for the Science of Spirituality by Barbara Bradley Hagerty.


  1. That is certainly an interesting teaser!

  2. Your teaser is interesting...has me thinking.

    Here is my Teaser Tuesday

  3. That is a brilliant teaser. My two teasers are here: http://abookblogofonesown.blogspot.com/2009/09/chapter-18-teaser-tuesday-892009.html


  4. That's very good! Sounds like a really intriguing book.

  5. I absolutely love that imagery. I do hope the metaphor goes on to describe what, exactly, the spiritual experience does to redecorate! But it's a great description of what happens.

    Meanwhile, my own teaser is at Bookishgal.

  6. What a thought-provoking teaser. :)

    Here's my Teaser! ~ Wendi

  7. Wow, the prose itself makes me want to laugh, but when you pair it with the thought of a spiritual experience, it's something else entirely. Great teaser - this sounds really interesting!

    My teaser is here.

  8. Never had spiritual experiences like these! What a teaser!
    Here's my tease: Tease

  9. Nice teaser. I do love a good metaphor!
