Thursday, September 17, 2009

BBAW Day 4: Books discovered on other blogs

Book Blogger Appreciation Week button

Today’s topic is to blog about books we’ve read because we discovered them on other blogs. As many of you know, I’ve gotten into graphic novels and memoirs in a big way recently and since this genre is completely new to me, I of course turned to my fellow bloggers for book suggestions...

So far, my main sources of all things graphic novelish have been Nymeth at things mean a lot, who reviewed (and highly recommended) Salamander Dream by Hope Larson and recommended We Are on Our Own by Miriam Katin to me personally (she also has a great backlog of reviews of graphic novels that I need to go through); Marie at Boston Bibliophile, who reviewed Aya (vol. 1) by Marguerite Abouet and Clément Oubrerie (she also had a great Graphic Novel Monday series last year that I’ve been going through); and Johanna and friends at Comics Worth Reading (which I heard about on Nymeth’s blog), who reviewed The Plain Janes by Cecil Castellucci and Jim Rugg and has posted a great list of comics by women...

Salamander Dream by Hope LarsonAya by Marguerite Abouet and Clement OubrerieThe Plain Janes by Cecil Castellucci and Jim Rugg

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my local book-blogging buddies, Cindy of Cindy’s Love of Books, Donna of BookBound and Tina of Bookshipper (and now Linda at Better with Books), who supply me on a monthly basis with new books to read (not only do they recommend them but they also pass them along!). Although there are many I’ve gotten from them that I haven’t read yet (ahem), I happen to have read at least one from each of them. Tina gave me the fantastic The Heretic’s Daughter by Kathleen Kent, which was one of my favourite reads last year (I guest posted my review on her site); Cindy passed on Sister Wife by Shelley Hrdlitschka (which admittedly I didn’t like as much as she did); and Donna gave me Grave Surprise by Charlaine Harris, which I wasn’t sure would be my cup of tea, but I wound up loving!

The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen KentSister Wife by Shelley HrdlitschkaGrave Surprise by Charlaine Harris


  1. Y'all are so lucky to have a local blogger group like that - I'm slightly jealous. Okay, I admit it, I'm more than slightly jealous.

  2. I'm still waiting for your reviews of some of those graphic novels! Particularly "the plain janes" and "Aya" (I read the first and not the second).

  3. I'm happy to have introduced you to those graphic novels!

  4. Kathy, I really hope we get to meet you at the next BEA!

    Brogan, duly noted!

    Nymeth, thanks again!

  5. I've discovered so many book I might not have were it not for bloggers, including you, Avis.:-) It's one of the highlights of blogging.

  6. I've read THE PLAIN JANES and need to get the follow-up!
