Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Teaser Tuesday (August 11)

Teaser Tuesday button
Should Be Reading hosts the Teaser Tuesdays weekly event.

My modified rules are as follows:

Grab your current read. Pick two or three “teaser” sentences more or less at random from the book, anywhere on the page. You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your teaser from… that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given! (Please avoid spoilers!) (Read the official Teaser Tuesday rules.)

My teaser:

Fingerprints of God by Barbara Bradley Hagerty“As a Christian Scientist, I had come to believe in the power of prayer to alter my experience, whether that be my wracking cough or my employment status, my mood or my love life. In that time, I had witnessed several healings” (p. 2).

This is from Fingerprints of God: The Search for the Science of Spirituality by Barbara Bradley Hagerty.


  1. Interesting teaser. I've never heard of the book but it does look like it would be an insightful read. Hope you're enjoying it!

    ~ Popin

  2. Looks like there's a lot to think about here!! Good teaser!

  3. I'll be interested to see your thoughts on this one as my dad is a Christian Scientist.

  4. A thought-provoking teaser this week... You can check out mine here.

  5. One of my best friends in high school was from a Christian Scientist family, and I was totally amazed when her mother had (minor) surgery without any anesthesia or pain meds. It's a very interesting faith, but totally mysterious to me. Very intriguing teaser!

  6. I'm looking forward to your review!

  7. Thanks for sharing the teaser Avis!

  8. Very interesting teaser. Hope your vacation is restful.

  9. Good teaser. I haven't heard of this book before but it sounds as though it might be a good read.

  10. Sounds very powerful. Good teaser!

    You can check mine out here.

  11. That's quite the subject! Sounds like a thought provoking book. :-)
