Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pomegranate times three

I usually post my “similar covers” posts on Wednesdays, but my sister and her family were in town this week (they left this morning), so this post is a day late.

Here are three more covers that feature the same image: Dinner with Persephone by Patricia Storace, Fruitflesh: Seeds of Inspiration for Women Who Write by Gayle Brandeis and the German translation of The Bastard of Istanbul by Elif Şafak (or Shafak). For the first two books, the title and cover image combo make sense, but I’m less sure about the third one: they don’t really seem to go together (but then I know nothing about this book, other than the fact that the Turkish government attempted to prosecute its author for “insulting Turkishness”; the charges were eventually dropped). However, I do think it’s my favourite cover of the three!


  1. Well done to have spotted these. I've noticed pomegranates on quite a few covers recently but I'd never have noticed these were the same photo. I found my first copy cat covers last week and posted it here:

  2. Well, you can never go wrong with a pomegranate as far as I'm concerned. Good eye!

  3. You are so good at this! The covers are beautiful, too. :)

  4. I think the third's my favourite too.

  5. Thanks for reminding me about your post, Sandra! I'm betting it won't be your last!

    Kathy, I agree, I love pomegranates too!

    Thanks, Missy!

    Nymeth, I hesitated between the second and the third (which are almost identical anyway), but I like the fact that the pomegranate is so close up in the third. It's very inviting!

  6. Mmm pomegranate.

    Like you, I love cover look a likes. I never knew how often this happens until I saw a few pop up. Good eye!

    ~ Popin

  7. I've noticed a couple of cases where a non-English book had a similar cover to other (unrelated) books in English. It's quite interesting but again... so sad.

  8. What a great eye you have. It's funny - it's the same image,yet the third one appeals to me so much more, it's brighter and bigger.

  9. PopinFresh, I'm enjoying your cover-related posts too!

    Anonymous Child, I wonder if using the same covers is more common still with translated books, but it's a tough theory to test since I'm less likely to come across them.

    Luanne, I agree, there's something about the fact that the pomegranate is so close up that you feel like you could reach out and grab a piece... (It's also the one in sharpest focus, which is a problem with my images and not with the book covers themselves!)
