Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Seeing Double!

When I first saw the cover of The Scandal of the Season by Sophie Gee, I was initially reminded of the cover for The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray, to which it actually only bears a passing resemblance. But then last week, as I was browsing my local Indigo bookstore, I happened across Mistress by Leda Swann. Although hands and lacy trimmings have been added on, I think it’s the same photo. What do you think? The shoulder blades look very much the same...


  1. It is the exact same photo lol! Right down to the ripples in the corset!

  2. Oh that is funny...I'm going to have keep my eyes open for similar covers.

  3. these are the same cover practically! LOL too funny!

  4. I love finding lookalikes!

  5. It's exactly the same! There's a blog called The Rap Sheet that has been posting for a while about copycat covers. There are lots of examples of stock photos there; it's kind of funny to see so many all in one place!

  6. I don't know how you notice these, but once again, a tip of my hat. It just goes to show how much covers do matter and how a cover can set the tone of the entire book. Even the titles sound similar: "Mistress" and "The Scandal of the Season". They probably have similar plots...

  7. Ladytink, Kathy and Serena, yup, that's what I think too!

    Jo-Jo, watch out, you will become addicted!

    Lisa, me too!

    Lenore, I actually think it's the same shot, but you might be right.

    Melanie, thanks for pointing that blog out. I did some searching a couple of days ago and found a bunch of folk who are as obsessed as I am about similar covers and that was one of the sites I came across. Not surprisingly (given the blog name), he focuses on crime fiction covers.

    Thanks, Anonymous Child. That's almost the worst part, that these two books look and sound interchangeable...

  8. Looks pretty darn close to me! Wonder if this was a stock photo or something? : )

  9. Yep! I had my 6-yr-old play "spot the differences" and she only came up with the lace and the hands ... and she's really good at this game :)
