Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

After much hemming and hawing, I’m finally taking the plunge and setting up a book blog. I’m very new at this, so bear with me if I make all kinds of newbie technical mistakes. For now, this blog will mostly contain my reviews from LibraryThing, a fabulous site I’m just a little bit obsessed with. (If you’re not already familiar with this site, do check it out!) I’ll be tweaking the layout of the blog over the next few weeks as I figure out how this whole blogging thing works...


  1. Congrats on starting a blog. I'm looking forward to exploring it and reading your reviews!

    I started my blog recently too. There are so many established great blogs, it's nice to know I'm not the only one just getting started!

  2. Thanks, Shana, you're the first person to comment on my blog! Where's yours? I'd love to take a look at it too...

  3. http://blog.literarily.com

    Check it out ... any and all constructive criticism is welcome!
